Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Hello New GIC Interns

Welcome to our new GIC student interns:

Su Hyeon, a Political Science major from CNU, has joined GIC for the winter to practice her English and get some NGO experience. She is the editor of the CNU Korean newspaper and has spent a few weeks in the USA.

Our new 6 month intern is SongGon. He is a senior in the business administration program at CNU. He spent two months in Australia as a database management intern. He will be a familiar face around GIC, so make sure you take some time to meet him and buy him a nok cha.

SeRyung (TTTTTTTTTTTTom), an Electronic Computer Engineer major from CNU, has commited to spending his winter vacation assisting GIC. He just wants to help our community. He spent a year in Florida studying English.

SuHyeon and SeRyung are GIC winter interns. GIC and CNU collaborate to offer these internships. Students who participate in the winter program receive a score and obtain 15 credit hours for their commitment.

Leading GIC is SingSing Kim. Famous she is. Kind she is. SingSing is the GIC Coordinator. She oversees 9 of 12 different GIC programs:
GIC Talk Series
GIC Culture Tour Program
Counseling services for foreign residents
Fundraising Concerts
International Youth Exchange programs
Financial assistance to Third World countries
Collaboration with Asian Human Rights Commission
Translation Services

Dr Shin keeps the English Library in order. Minsu Kim does Gwangju News Magazine layout and leads the administration for our Korean classes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU soooo much for this lovely note and picture. You are the most kind and devoted person in my life.-SS