Sunday, December 10, 2006

Purpose - Occupation is essential

Is there purpose to our lives? We have daily opportunities to respond to others revealing our purpose. Even when we can't see clearly or when we doubt our abilities, by showing up and doing our work, we can look and listen for our part in the big picture.

I went to the KOTESOL Leadership Retreat this past weekend. This is my fourth. I love these chances to exchange with my colleagues working all across the Korean penisula. I always walk away astounded that we get so much done and no one gets paid.

Every year I see a little less ego and power play. I see a little more celebration and enthusiasm.

There is less a sense of work and more a sense of play.

Every year I see a little less talk and a lot more action.

There is more sharing of gifts and talents. More courage and confidence in skills uncovered. TaeHee from Taegu never fails to amaze me that he not only shows up but quietly, genuinely shares his vision through encouraging Koreans in Gumi to attend Daegu chapter workshops.

And then there are the sparks that fly when the 6 million dollar man is given as a metaphor for our technology strategy for 2007. When you are ready the teacher appears. Joshua not only has the tech skills to enable our organization to actually provide decent web presence, but also has inspirational leadership skills to convince the luddites in our midst that change is not so scary.

To colleagues, old and new. To teachers, present and past. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be me. Even if I don't know my own purpose.

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